Felinea ras Odras

Odras' Playground

JavaScript Apps by FeliOdras

To Do List
Rick and Morty Characterbase
App using the Rick and Morty GraphQL to list and filter characters of the show"
To Do List
Tic Tac Toe Game
React Tic Tac Toe Game following the basic React tutorial
To Do List
Javascript ToDo-List
To Do List using JavaScript and WebPack
Github with Settings Panel
GitHub with settings panel
JavaScript project using GitHub Api to display and filter GitHub Repositories
App to find countries by country dailing code using restcountries.eu API
Countdown page using moment.js
My Github
Show public github repositories using GitHub API
The Sounds of silence
The Sounds of Silence
Search Music using iTunes API
Tip Calculator
Tip Calculator
Caculate Tip by quality of service
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Displays random quotes from array
Practice caculating for elementary school kids
Fortune Teller
Fortune Teller
Create random fortune
Animal Age Calculator
Animal Age Calculator
Caculate your pet's age